Modification of natural products with medicinal activity

KU Leuven

Sciences, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry

New Storytellers on Border Crossing to the U.S. (1995-2016). The Representation of Migration from Latin America in Today’s Documentary Filmmaking (3H170532)

KU Leuven

Arts, Humanities, American Studies, Humanities

Light-activated anticancer compounds

Leiden University

Medical Sciences, Cancer, Chemical Biology, Sciences, Natural Sciences, Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Life science, Photochemistry

Optimisation of a pseudo-3D model observer for emerging 2D mammography applications

KU Leuven

Mathematics, Informatics, Computer science, Medical Sciences, Medicine, Sciences, Natural Sciences, Physics

Modulation of bacterial adherence in infective endocarditis: impact of bacterial surface molecules and underlying tissues used in right ventricular outflow tract valve replacement

KU Leuven

Medical Sciences, Cardiology, Medicine, Sciences, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry, Biology

Ethical aspects of human genetics

KU Leuven

Humanities, Philosophy and ethics, Medical Sciences, Medicine

Design, synthesis and application of activity-based probes for imaging and detection of proteases

KU Leuven

Sciences, Natural Sciences, Biochemistry, Biology, Bio Organic Chemistry, Chemistry

Reconstructing geoecological changes in floodplains

KU Leuven

Geography, Geology, Environmental Science, Geo Sciences, Humanities, History and archeology, Sciences, Natural Sciences

Cutural Memory and Transmediality: the Representation of Trauma in Comics, Graphic Novels, Film and Documentaries

KU Leuven

Arts, Humanities, Humanities, Languages and Philological Sciences, Italian

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