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Learn more about the EuroScholars Program from Alexander Azar (Clark University / KU Leuven) and Matt Gulizia (ISA) in the movie below. Alexander and Matt attended the student study fair at the University of Alabama - Birmingham in 2021.

Sander (Case Western Reserve University / Leiden University)

“I had a life-changing experience with this program, and I always, always look on it fondly.”

Sander’s joint publication

About 379 students from 125 North American institutions participated in the EuroScholars Program.

"I am very thankful for this experience. It was extremely crucial for helping me choose my PhD preferences. As well as working within the most diverse university campus in Belgium had helped me strengthen my research skills immensely". RachnaRutgers University, NJ / KU Leuven Read more
“I currently work at a state department of health and am enrolled in a PhD program. EuroScholars helped me to focus and identify my interests and if pursing a research career was right for me. I loved my experience as a EuroScholar and would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in research and a unique study abroad opportunity”. NateUniversity of Minnesota -Twin Cities / KU Leuven