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Design of porous membranes for micro-electronic mechanical systems (MEMS)

Encapsulation is a major challenge for Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). The need for a better process led to the idea of encapsulating MEMS devices with a porous membrane. This facilitates the manufacturing of devices, as it avoids the need to shape the membrane using lithography because the device could be released through the porous membrane. The porous membrane would be made in a two-step process. First a layer of polymer particles will be deposited by electrophoretic deposition. The deposited particles are heated slightly to fuse them together. Metal is subsequently electrodeposited through this layer to obtain a metal coating with micro porosities defined by the polymer particles. The size of the pores is determined by the size of the particles. Particles can be obtained commercially in sizes that range from tens of nanometer to micrometers. It is believed that a porous membrane could be grown in this way which allows the release and subsequent encapsulation of MEMS devices. However, the influence of the synthesis conditions and the mechanical properties of the metal membrane are unknown. Therefore literature study and experimental work have to be done. This training is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the technologically important and exciting world of MEMS!

  • The project is available in the Fall and Spring semester.
  • Duration: 6-12 months.
  • Number of places available: 1 per semester.


Creative and analytical mind with sound engineering skills.

Faculty Department

Faculty of Engineering / Metallurgy & Materials Engineering.

The MTM Dept. is a regular research partner of industry in the fields of metallurgy and materials engineering. The combination of thorough fundamental research coupled with our broad range of expertise, delivers innovative ideas, helping to gain major advantages. Modern, advanced and well-maintained equipment reduces project time and cost and increases accuracy and strongly motivates researchers. A dynamic team spirit and cross-discipline knowledge sharing, stimulate our international outstanding research teams in their constant search for improved methods and innovative technologies. Project management is an art at MTM. Great management is also an essential ingredient in creating solid service for industry. Senior staff closely monitor the work of junior researchers to ensure a high level of professionalism and to teach the skills of sound project management: result-driven and cost-conscious. MTM is the largest education centre in Belgium in Materials Engineering, for BSc, MSc, & PhD.