The ‘Grey matters’ project aims to clarify the experience of ‘mattering’ in late life (75+) on the lived experience and conceptual level (qualitative work, systematic review studies), as well as to unravel how different types of mattering are related to depressive symptoms (quantitative work).
- The project runs from 1 October 2025 - 1 April 2028.
- The project is available in the Fall and Spring semester.
- Number of placements available: 1 per semester.
- Interest in working in the field of geronto-psychology, interest in existential topics, willing to actively join the weekly lab meetings, open for critical scientific discussions and brainstorm.
- Openness to join studies and to collaborate with the team.
Faculty Department
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences / Meaning Research Late Life lab
The lab studies existential topics in highly advanced age. Current projects focus on how meaningfulness is related to late life psychological functioning and mental health, how existential isolation and loneliness are experienced at highly advanced age and whether and how existential struggles are related to psychological suffering and to tiredness of life. She is an advocate for a biopsychosocial-existential approach to elderly care. Research at the lab is interdisciplinary and multi/mixed method.