Astrid van Wieringen

Prof. Dr. Astrid van Wieringen, Department of Neurosciences, Research group Experimental ORL. And teaches at Faculty of Medicine.
My research at Experimental Otorhinolaryngology, Dept. Neurosciences, aims at understanding and treating the consequences of hearing impairment in children and adults. Research in this area is interdisciplinary, combining medical, neuroscientific, engineering, psychological insights to develop evidence-based interventions that help improve communication for persons with hearing and listening difficulties.
I have enjoyed mentoring 5 EuroScholars students who have participated in ongoing research. For the students a first experience with research is a valuable and important experience and an added bonus for admission to medical school afterwards. In general, they participated in different ongoing projects (together with various PhD students and colleagues of ExpORL), evaluating behavioral paradigms, for example, on listening and working memory, effect of learning and researching strategies that may help motivate persons with hearing impairment to take up audiological rehabilitation.
- Sarah (Virginia Tech) conducted research in: Detection of interaural phase differences using a behavioral task to determine the presence of a learning affect.
- Camryn (Arizona State University) conducted research in: Evaluation of different n-Back Tasks in young adults, looking into the effects of memory on listening performance.
- Josephine (Colorado State University) conducted research in: Methodologies for testing persons with hearing impairment and the role of cognitive processes using an updated version of the back task.
- Jingting (DePauw University) focused her research questions on: Ecological Momentary Assessment and Motivation in a Listening Rehabilitation Program.
- Kenya (University of Alabama at Birmingham) researched the topic of motivation and adherence concerning audiological rehabilitation and mHealth following the development of a mHealth tool at ExpORL.
Currently, our department is offering the following research projects within the EuroScholars Program: